people looking at papers

Given how messy finances can be it pays to have a quality audit every once in a while. It’s understandable of course to face difficulties with organizing your financial records— what’s important is how you deal with them. Thus, it is vital that any audit you undergo is kept to a standard. It’s the only […]

Our financial year ends on 30 June, and for some people, it’s straightforward. But for others it can be a little more complicated, especially if you are doing your numbers for the first time.  The average number of Australians during the 2010 – 2011 financial year, who lodged their tax returns online with the ATO […]

Everyone makes errors from time to time. When preparing and lodging your self-managed super fund (SMSF) annual return (SAR), you want to get it right. The top five errors are listed below, along with some advice on how to avoid them and where to find the best accounting firms on Sunshine Coast.  Not Stating a […]

If you run a business, you may find yourself struggling to keep up with annual tax obligations. Between managing your staff, your investors, and other challenges, it’s easy to forget about the responsibilities that come with owning a business in Australia. In this article, we’ll review what you need to know in case you miss […]

So, you have a work-related trip coming soon, and you wonder how much of your travel expenses can you claim. If you are a small business owner or an independent worker who manages their taxes without an accountant, you might find the answers you need in this article. Here is what you need to know. […]

Every aspect of a business is necessary because it makes the entire operation efficient. One tiny yet crucial part of running a company that’s often overlooked and taken for granted is auditing. One of the reasons for this oversight is the belief that it’s only necessary for larger companies and organisations. However, all businesses, even […]

If you’re like most business owners, you may have started with a spreadsheet for financial tracking. There’s nothing wrong with that, but as your business expands, it may become significantly more challenging to keep track of all your transactions using this kind of manual accounting system. That’s where you’ll need accounting software. For some startups, […]

While audit quality may not be your top priority, you may want to reassess and reallocate resources towards your business’ ability to improve and maintain audit quality. Now, we understand if you’re a little hesitant to do this as you may not know much about what audit quality is. This is why we thought it […]

Most Australians know that superannuation is money you save for retirement. But not everyone knows that you can also contribute your savings to super. Not only that, but the money you contribute (after taxes) can be tax-deductible. If you did not know you can claim personal super contributions back on your tax return, we’ve got […]