Several jobs require wearing a uniform for different purposes. It can be a standard operating procedure to distinguish different personnel in the workplace. A uniform is an aesthetic and functional choice common in hospitality, dining, and event sectors. They can serve as a more practical option for performing different tasks with the wearer’s safety and protection in mind. This is necessary for volatile workplaces, common in construction, plumbing and cleaning services.

Most uniforms need to be distinct to a particular brand of a service provider, making them a costly expense if you’re shouldering its purchasing costs. Thankfully, it’s highly likely that you can get decent cashback during tax repayment season.


How to get your cashback from work uniform purchases

The most important requirement to claim a tax return is to ensure what classifies as a business expense. In the case of uniform purchases, you need to ensure that it qualifies under specific categories to receive a cashback.

In this article, we’ll share a three-step guide illustrating how you can certify your tax return for work uniforms.


Step #1: Confirm if you own a compulsory uniform

Compulsory uniforms are mandatory clothing employees need to wear in the workplace. It usually contains the company logo together with your place of work. The entire attire is considered a compulsory uniform, including single items such as shirts or ties, even if it doesn’t include branding logos. However, it must be a company-mandated brand, colour or style option that you should wear.

In contrast, non-compulsory uniforms are clothing pieces that your employer encourages the staff to wear but doesn’t enforce it. Unless the uniform is registered with the AusIndustry, you cannot claim that your work clothes are part of the registered uniform.

Besides brand-specific apparel, protective clothing and costumes can also count as compulsory uniforms if they’re necessary to perform your job. This covers people in trade businesses or performers who need to be in character for a role in a paying gig.


Step #2: Confirm your laundry expenses

Besides the costs of purchasing your work uniform, you also have the right to make a claim or the laundry expenses for maintaining your uniform. This should account for the general acts of washing the clothes through a laundromat, from washing to dry cleaning when necessary. It’s easier to compute the values if you’re using a laundromat. Doing the washing and ironing yourself, however, makes for a more complicated calculation.


Step #3: Check if you have company allowance for purchases and maintenance expenses

Some companies provide reimbursements or laundry allowances, especially if their uniforms need to receive deep cleaning before use. Thankfully, you can still claim a deduction even after receiving a subsidy. However, it’s necessary that you claim the corresponding deduction on your expenses and not on the full amount of your allowance.



Being extra cautious about your work expenses isn’t something you should be conscious of. The time you spend while employed is enough to give you the right to claim what’s yours, whether in the form of a salary or a tax return. If you’re not too adept at handling your own accounting, you can hire an accounting expert to supplement your tax and bookkeeping needs.

If you’re looking for a reliable accounting firm on the Sunshine Coast, we can help. At SMB Accounting, our professional accountants we perform different forms of tax services, from trust account audits to individual tax returns. Contact us today at 1300-854-159.

Keeping accurate and up-to-date financial records is vital in business. If your books are untidy, it affects all aspects of your company. You won’t be able to pay employees or contractors on time, make ill-informed executive decisions, and hinder your growth. 

If you are busy, though, you might not have time to organise your business’ finances. If so, you should consider hiring a small business accounting firm. Here are the benefits of having a third-party provider handle your company’s finances.


Small Business Accounting Providers Save You Money

When you hire a tax professional, you streamline payments and financial documents preparation, helping you save your resources in the long run. In business, time is money. If you hire someone to itemise your expenses, pay your bills and send invoices, you free yourself up to manage other aspects of your company. 

Also, getting a contractor is more affordable than having an in-house accountant. You won’t have to train a contractor or provide medical and dental benefits for them. Since compliance rules and technology change often, you don’t have to worry about your employees making decisions and practising outdated information.


Accounting Service Providers Ensure Department Continuity

When you have an accounting provider, you have a team of individuals dedicated to your account. If you have an employee who takes a vacation, falls ill or transfers to another company, you won’t have to worry about disruptions to your documentation. Since you’re hiring professionals, you’re sure to minimise the chances for errors or fraud.


Accounting Service Providers Help In Risk Management

Outsourcing financial management means your contractor is responsible for keeping up with tax codes and ensuring your business is compliant. They also have safeguards against internal fraud. If you have an internal employee doing your accounting and bookkeeping, you risk your financial privacy. You are not sure how long your employee will stay with you, and they might discuss your finances with outsiders they leave. A small business accounting firm ensures that you keep your business matters confidential.


Accounting Service Providers Give You Timely Reports

When you outsource services, you will get regular, timely, and accurate reports. These allow you to safeguard your business’ health, plan for audits, avoid unnecessary costs like penalties and fines, and prepare for filing taxes. Your accounting services will likely have best-in-class management processes, timing your receivables and payables perfectly.


Accounting Service Providers Use The Latest Technology

High-quality service providers test the latest technology in bookkeeping, accounting, and time tracking before using these in their accounts. Your company will benefit from the access to these solutions; you don’t need to buy tools, learn how to use them, and ensure that they are up-to-date. 

Also, bookkeeping and accounting service providers let you make data-driven decisions that reduce costs and improve your cash flow. They help you find the best ways you could increase your revenues and boost your growth.



When you’re managing a business, you want to do what you can to keep it growing. However, without proper financial management, your company will find it hard to maintain its cash flow. Outsourcing your bookkeeping and accounting will streamline your finances, letting you focus on other things in your business that need attention.

Team up with SMB Accounting for all your small business accounting needs. We work out of the Sunshine Coast, helping entrepreneurs and business owners set up and maintain their enterprise’s accounting systems. Sign up for one of our packages or contact us to learn more!

As someone who has been running a small business, you may feel that bookkeeping is a time-consuming and tiring task that you would rather avoid at all costs.

Although there are other tasks to worry about or consider whenever you work on your business and ensure that it’s running smoothly, the truth is that your books bear the same amount of importance. Unfortunately, many business owners end up overlooking this particular and end up neglecting their bookkeeping entirely, making way for a host of problems in the long run.

What happens when you neglect your bookkeeping?

At this point, it’s best to understand that overlooking your bookkeeping tasks will prove to be a grave mistake when you look at the after-effects. In fact, failing to keep an eye on your records and figures is a problem that can create a multitude of problems for you and your business.

Considering that bookkeeping itself is critical for ensuring that you have all the necessary reports and insights to address different parts of your finances, these are three problems that can arise from neglecting it: 

Outcome #1: You are bound to run out of money before you even realise it

Whether it’s because you didn’t bother to lodge your returns or delayed your receipts and receivables, you’ll run out of money by making this simple mistake. It may sound pessimistic, but this is the absolute reality: it is easy to lose a grip on your cash flow and strip your business of the funds it needs to grow when you fail to maintain your books. 

In fact, not maintaining your books will eventually put you in a tough financial spot because you lose the ability to manage your cash flow as best as possible. Furthermore, such an outcome can take place because the inability to handle your finances can lead to a host of problems, such as:

  • Being unable to track money that is owed to you by customers, clients, and partners (receivables)
  • Not knowing how much you need to allocate when settling your payments and debts, leading to some relationship strains along the way

Outcome #2: You won’t be able to make the necessary decisions to help your business grow

Another undesirable outcome that stems from not managing your books as well as you should is that it inhibits your ability to forecast and make smarter decisions. In the end, this will hinder you from maximising opportunities that lie ahead.

You see, failing to reconcile your accounts and update your books as you should can cause information depletion that can prove to be the biggest hindrance to your business’s growth. When your negligence piles up, you’ll end up at that point where you won’t be able to make smart decisions since you don’t have the accurate data or insight that is required for critical decision-making processes!

Outcome #3: You will commit different errors when it comes to your payroll

If you were to look at a list of cases where businesses didn’t properly handle their payroll errors, you’ll quickly realise that many of them are rooted in bookkeeping negligence.

While it is no surprise that your business relies on employees to stay afloat, being negligent with your bookkeeping can still lead to severe problems since your records are crucial for paying them properly. Once you constantly ignore your books to the point where it feels like second nature, you’ll be unable to track and distribute the pay benefits of your employees accurately, causing several outcomes to arise: 

  • Failing in the collection of taxes
  • Overpaying employees who may not report the overage
  • Rushing payment to employees


Even though it is becoming increasingly clear that businesses must pay more attention to the way they handle their bookkeeping, it also helps to be more aware of the potential issues that come with being negligent. Once you’re familiar with what can possibly happen if you keep being complacent with your books, you’ll be able to steer your efforts in the right direction and remain consistent until everything gets back on track! 

If you’re looking for a skilled expert on SMB bookkeeping in Australia, look no further because we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with us today to see how we can best serve your needs!

Tax returns are an important aspect of your professional and financial responsibilities. Understanding how to do them just right may just enable you to take advantage of work-related and income-generating expenses for claiming at tax time. Identifying expenses that are acceptable tax deductions will help you reduce your taxable income. Perhaps the expense was directly related to performing your work duties, or you spent money that was never reimbursed by your employer. If you have an official record of the expense, then you may just be eligible to claim something from it at tax time. Here are 7 tax deductions you can possibly claim for your income tax return as a result.

Travel Expenses

Travelling to and from your usual workplace may not count when claiming expenses, but other work-related vehicle and travel expenses are valid. These include using your personal vehicle to attend conferences and seminars, requiring your car to perform work duties (ex: transporting materials for a minor project), and accommodation expenses when travelling for work is necessary. 

Home Office Expenses

Since work from home has become a norm due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you may have found yourself spending plenty of money on your workspace just to do your work. Anything from phone and internet expenses to computer consumables like stationery, printer ink, and paper can be claimed as tax deductions. This is mostly applicable to home office equipment, where you can claim the decline in value for items over $300 or the full cost for those amounting to less than $300. 

Industry-Related Expenses and Deductions

When working with tax advisors near you on completing your income returns, be sure to ask about any industry-specific work related expenses that you are eligible to claim. This will vary depending on the industry, so investing in a professional who knows how to get the most out of your work-related deductions using the updated guidelines is extremely valuable. 

Work-Related Clothing and Laundry Expenses

While this seems like a stretch, your clothing and laundry expenses may qualify for deduction claims. These are clothing items explicitly purchased for work, including uniforms, protective clothing, daily office wear, and others. Cleaning costs are also included as work-related expenses that you can claim. 

Keep in mind that conventional clothing or non-compulsory workwear will not be counted as expenses that can be claimed. You must also provide documentation for these costs, including diary entries and official receipts. 

Gifts and Donations

Giving gifts or donations to organisations like charities may also be claimed as a tax deduction, given certain rules. Any contribution made above $2 to a deductible gift recipient can be claimed, while different rules may apply based on types of gifts. 

Miscellaneous Work-Related Expenses

Even after you’ve gone through the list, there may be other work-related expenses that only an accountant can help you spot. This is highly dependent on your unique work and personal circumstances. Some of these expenses may include overtime meals, learning material (e.g., books, digital information, periodicals), and union fees. 

Investment Income

Claiming investment income tax deductions is possible if you’ve received interest on your savings, dividends from investments, rental payments from an investment property, and others. You may even be able to claim money spent on investment advice. 


When it comes to making your claims for deductions during tax time, there are many opportunities that you can take advantage of. Whether it’s miscellaneous work expenses or any gifts and donations you’ve made, there’s a way to make a claim on your tax return where it’s appropriate. Don’t be afraid to ask an accountant to guide you on all the possible claims you can make; this is money you’re entitled to after all. By doing so, you can be as prepared as possible for tax time. 

If you need accounting firms in the Sunshine Coast, then SMB Accounting can cater to your needs. We do individual tax returns, small business accounting, SMSF audits, and provide Xero accounting software. Get in touch with SMB tax solutions today for your tax returns and more!

Startup companies and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) might feel the excitement when launching their business for the first time. Finally putting a business out to be exposed to the world is incredible and gives proprietors a sense of fulfilment. However, many entrepreneurs who invest in their startups often never make it to a full-scale company, often due to financial preparation failures.

Running a company is more than just driving returns on investments and pushing for growth; it entails plenty of work on the money side of things. One thing that can save most startups is investing in small business accounting services to tackle taxation, budgeting, financial audit processes, and other related matters. Here are some startup tips that SMEs can use based on what professional accountants believe are the most important for growth:

Find Out Your Business Structure Straight Away

Many options must be considered when investing your time and resources into a startup, starting primarily with how the business will operate. First off, you’ll have to consider what business structure you plan to implement, whether it is a sole proprietorship, company, trust, or partnership. These will generate different results towards your future business goals, so consider the way your company will operate to get the best results. Many small business accounting professionals can often help startups decide which method best suits their model. 

Consult Professional Services Before Setting Up

Various startups often launch without considering the bigger picture of business management and operations. It takes a particular degree of preparation to ensure that all documents and registration files are in place, ensuring that no issues arise throughout each year. Tax consultants can help with the annual bookkeeping and records for duties to be paid, while other accountants can provide business plans and growth strategies to push a startup into a good position. 

Budgeting Matters Off the Bat

Many SMEs fail to consider their budgeting blueprint from the get-go, which often leads to cash flow issues and finances in the future. All businesses run on money, and every local enterprise has to pay taxes annually to continue operations. However, when you don’t prioritise budgeting, you can easily lose money, and the whole business structure will collapse. Investing in a tax professional’s services can help structure a financial plan to help small businesses with various investments. 

Create a Financial Management System

Using software and other tools, tax consultants and professionals can effectively manage a company’s books. By implementing a personal financial management system for a business, you’ll save plenty of time and remove the stresses of dealing with money matters. Payroll, tax document management, and financial audit processes can be done quickly using software that automates and removes the manual procedures that can cause costly mistakes. 

Build Connections With Other Business Entities and Owners

Startups can make it big with a broader range of connections. Knowing people and having a good network of friends and business partners can help with business growth. It also builds good habits and strengthens proprietors’ mindsets knowing that business is a constant learning field. Having the right people around and building connections with others will help your startup grow past the initial stages. You can even run B2B marketing to work together and strengthen your presence on the market. 


Startups are the lifeblood of the modern business market, as some of the best companies come from the minds of individuals that are dead-set on making it in the world. With various startups filling gaps that people need to complete tasks, it is also just as essential to ensure that businesses survive past the initial phases of life. 

SMB Accounting is a small business accounting firm home to various tax professionals and other entities ready to help startups succeed past their growing phases. If you need financial audit procedures or different strategies, get in touch with us to learn more about finances and business operations. 


Small business accounting can often be challenging because most of these companies aren’t well-staffed enough to handle their own financial duties. It often becomes the proprietor’s duty to file all monetary transactions and run taxes and salaries monthly. It isn’t uncommon for things to be left out and confusing, which is why an audit process is necessary for most small and medium enterprises. 

Beginner business owners might not be well-versed in financial matters, as it is definitely tricky, especially if the company kicks off quite well. They might miss out on things, which can be costly when it comes to yearly taxation and other investor relations. A financial audit will help your business by generating more confidence from various people working for and with you. 

Why Invest in a Financial Audit Process

There are plenty of benefits of outsourcing financial services to a professional accountant, especially those who conduct small business accounting for a living. Regularly running audits can be great to show accountability and better business practices, so here are some reasons why a financial audit will be a lifesaver:

  • An Overview Statement Is Invaluable

Auditors that have completed their findings will report to you and give you an overview of your finances. This document will show how well your business is performing. Without the small mistakes and the errors, you’ll be able to make more informed decisions about where to invest your money next. 

  • Your Credit Rating Improves

A steadily expanding business requires you to let all financial entities know about the growth. Regularly running an audit process will give stakeholders and investors a nice update on where their money is going, giving your business a more trustworthy image. If the banks and lenders know their money is going to the right things, they will be more likely to close deals on future loans because everything is listed down correctly. 

  • A Fresh Set of Eyes Is Always Good

Crunching numbers and various statements is difficult for anyone. Doing this without much knowledge will often result in errors and overlooking important details. However, with a fresh set of eyes to conduct small business accounting, a financial audit will show things you might have missed while running your own processes. The auditor might also find any serious flaws in your system and make suggestions regarding fixing them. These moves might even be the difference between financial success in the future and bankruptcy. 

  • Reliability Ensues

If your company moves towards the business world’s upper echelons, regular audits in your earlier days will show the more prominent investors that you’ve always come prepared. A statement regarding finances is what the conglomerates want to see, making them more inclined to invest in your future endeavours. Reports like audits also show that you have been paying taxes and other duties, making you a more reliable partner they can deal with in various projects. 

  • You’ll Have a Clear Vision of the Road Ahead

Finances determine the success and failure of a business. If you’re preparing financial audit statements often, this means that you’re always being given a clear view of the playing field of the near future. With this knowledge, you can make more educated decisions on where to go and what to invest in for improved growth. Any business will benefit from the clarity given by an audit process, which is why you should invest in small business accounting services. 


Accounting is challenging for many people, so outsourcing things like bookkeeping and financial audits to small business accounting firms can greatly assist. Having a dedicated accountant can reduce the load on your shoulders as a proprietor and definitely promote accountability and trustworthiness. 

SMB Accounting is a small business accounting firm in Australia that helps clients with financial audits and other specialised money management needs. With a wide range of financial services, we can help your company through reports based on audits run for your business. Contact us to learn more about having an audit process conducted. 

If you’re one of the people who have a knack for envisioning long-term plans, including securing your future, then you can expect to benefit from a self-managed super fund (SMSF) leading up to your retirement. It’s a trust fund headed by the Australian financial system targeting employees unsure about what to do with their savings and are looking for the perfect way to invest their hard-earned money for a good cause.

You can distinguish an SMSF from other forms of retirement programs by merely taking note that the members of the program are known as trustees. As a trustee, it’s your duty to handle your SMSF in your own terms. 

At the same time, you should learn to adhere to the policies of your trust fund, such as following the rules of a particular residency period and become a certified candidate for addressing management requirements. Keep reading below to learn how to outline your future with the help of an SMSF. 

Things to Remember Before Applying for an SMSF

Since you are the trustee of your fund, before you learn how to set up an SMSF, you need to understand that your future is at stake. You have to double-check that you comply with the super and tax laws of Australia before setting your decision in stone.

After all, an SMSF involves your life-long finances, so you must be sure that you’re eligible to build your trust fund before pouring your efforts into securing your retirement once and for all. You can avoid making decisions you may end up regretting by consulting with a professional that can guide you in knowing similar financial options to an SMSF to see if you’re capable of pushing through with your plan after all.

When it comes to discovering the advantages of a self-managed super fund, you have to understand your role as a trustee and learn everything there is to know about your investment and your responsibility as a member. It includes being familiar with the rules and regulations and the insurance policies you’re prepared to handle.

Take note that an SMSF is only allowed to carry up to four members that are also called trustees, whereas other kinds of funds tend to have no limit regarding their members. Like your role, your co-trustees should comply with the policies to ensure they don’t break any laws, all while gaining the power to select the type of investment each of you wishes to hold.

How to Create a Self-Managed Super Fund

With the numerous benefits of an SMSF, you can expect the financial plan to be quite expensive than other trust funds, although some super funds tend to provide insurance at a fair price to members. If you want to make the most out of your investment, it would be best to hire a financial specialist to oversee your every move, due to how complicated SMSFs can become.

Each action you take must be one you won’t regret because it can be hard to bring back certain choices, especially if it involves a significant sum of money. While you can rely on experts to guide you, it’s still ultimately in your hands to know how to settle your taxes and other legal requirements as expected.

With every year that passes, it’s practically helpful to lean on an SMSF auditor that provides financial assistance regarding audit and tax works so that they can manage all things related to keeping track of your fund. That way, they can ensure that your trust is in order and there’s nothing to worry about.

It’s an accountant and a financial advisor’s duty to aid individuals who are having trouble understanding their SMSFs to give them an easier time grasping the contents of their fund. While an account can create financial statements for you, a tax agent works to gather your records in preparation for filing your SMSF’s annual return and stand for you when you need to face the ATO for potential concerns.


The future can be intimidating, especially if you don’t have a firm plan in mind yet, and you have no idea how to handle your finances until your retirement. If you want to invest your savings into a trust fund that can secure you in the long run, it isn’t too late to start now. It’s helpful to consider setting up an SMSF with the help of a professional. Having someone to guide you through establishing a trust fund is vital, so you know where your money goes, and you receive numerous perks of being a certified member of a self-managed super fund. 

Are you looking for a tax professional in Australia to assist you with your finances? SMB Accounting offers help with individual tax returns, small business accounting, SMSF audits, and Xero accounting software services. Get in touch with us today so we can start organising your reports!

Managing your cash flow is a crucial part of running your business, but it’s an aspect that tends to overwhelm entrepreneurs. As a business owner, you’re laser-focused on bringing in more profit and scaling your company, but doing so during uncertain economic conditions means that you need to account for every cent you make. Any increase or reduction in your costs can affect how much profit you make, further highlighting the importance of cash flow management. 

However, tracking your expenses and working with accounting firms in the Sunshine Coast will help you boost profits and find other opportunities to cut down on business costs. Here are five possible ways you can save more money by economising your operations:

  • Switch to Technology 

Automating tasks has never been easier than it is today, as there are many tools and software you can use to improve your workflow. You can take advantage of project management software, for example, which will automate tasks necessary for running your business, saving you valuable time.

You can also invest in accounting tools to keep a close eye on your cash flow and financial reporting, as small business accounting is crucial to your business’s success. It will also help you keep track of your expenses, ensuring you’re well aware of every business transaction you make.

  • Consider Operating Your Business From Home

2020 has demonstrated how the work-from-home setup has been beneficial for many businesses all over the world, so it’s something you may want to consider for your own enterprise as well. Doing so will help you cut back on your office space expenses, business taxes, utilities, and even insurance. 

However, some companies still require an office to work more efficiently. If operating your business from your home isn’t feasible, consider moving to a smaller or less expensive space instead. You’ll enjoy much bigger savings that way.

  • Reduce Energy Usage

Energy, although necessary, tends to eat up a portion of a business’s income. Fortunately, you can optimise your energy usage by switching to energy-efficient appliances such as light bulbs and your heating or air conditioning system. You can also ask your local energy provider to perform an audit, as they can recommend ways to cut down on your energy usage. You can even invest in a solar panel system, which will reduce your impact on the environment while reducing your energy bills. 

  • Invest in Your Employees

While investing in your employees may seem like a way to spend more money instead of cutting back on your expenses, it can actually save you a lot of money in the long run. By assessing the skills and experience of your employees and analysing their potential, you can train them to refine new, useful skills that will be beneficial to your business. In the process, you won’t have to hire more people to take on roles that your employees have shown proficiency in, thereby reducing turnover. It’s important, however, to make sure that your employees don’t feel overwhelmed or burned out with the tasks you give them. 

  • Reduce Your Debts 

Asking your accountant to run a financial audit on your business will help you find ways to save more money and take care of your debts, which will save you hundreds of dollars in interest. They can create a plan that will help you pay off your debt early or on time, improving your credit score and avoiding a deficit. It will also help you make more informed financial decisions, which is crucial to your business’s success.


Running a business is exciting and rewarding, but it involves a lot of analysing and tracking to make sure you’re well aware of everything going in and out of your company. If you’re not careful, you may be spending more than you’re earning, which can quickly land you in hot water. With these five tips, you’ll enjoy much more savings and reduced business expenses, helping you achieve your earning goals. 

SMB Accounting is an accounting firm in the Sunshine Coast offering individual tax returns, small business accounting, financial reporting, and other services. We complete many types of audits, such as investigative reviews, self-managed super fund audits, trust account audits, and more. Contact us today to find out how we can help you!

One way that small business owners can strengthen and supplement their income is through self-managed super funds (SMSF). Though it might seem challenging, these obstacles are worth traversing, as SMSFs offer many benefits. Having an SMSF allows you to invest in commercial properties within your private super funds. This gives you the twofold benefit of increasing the value of your super fund and providing your organisation with valuable assets. 

What is an SMSF?

An SMSF is a superannuation trust structure that provides benefits to its members upon retirement. Its main difference from other super funds is that SMSF members are also the trustees of the fund, and they can amount to a maximum of four members. This allows a level of control when it comes to tailoring the funds to each trustee’s needs. 

SMSFs come with their our Tax File Number (TFN), Australian Business Number (ABN), and transactional bank account. This bank account will allow trustees to receive contributions and rollovers, make investments, and pay out lump sums and pensions. As mentioned before, the fund is controlled by trustees, which can take two forms:

  • The Corporate Trustee. A company can act as the trustee with each member as a director. This can allow simpler registration of assets, more efficient management, and flexibility in membership. 
  • The Individual Trustee. In this case, each member is appointed as a trustee with a  minimum of two trustees required. 

While setting up an SMSF requires compliance with the trustees of the fund, there are quite a few major advantages it can offer. Here are some of these advantages:

1. It can reduce the capital gains tax

A small business owner can transfer their commercial properties into the fund. The superannuation law might prevent individuals from transferring their residential properties to a fund, commercial properties are exempt. Business offices, buildings, and industrial locations can be held in your SMSF.

Including commercial properties in your SMSF reduces the capital gains tax amount on the sale of these properties, boosting the super fund as well. Consult your accountant about which funds you can and cannot write off in this manner.

2. It can give provide tax deductions for business expenses

Once a property has been transferred to the SMSF, you will have to enter a lease agreement with the fund to rent the property on commercial terms. This can be written off as a tax deduction for the business, as any rent paid toward using the property would now be a business expense. 

Repairs, maintenance, renovations, improvements, and other property management fees are also now claimed in the fund.

3. The fund earns money for tax deductions

Any earnings on investments held in an SMSF are taxed at 15%—including commercial properties. That means rent will be taxed at the standard rate. We’ve mentioned before that small business owners like you can claim a tax deduction for the business on rent paid to the SMSF, but the SMSF itself will only end up paying this reduced tax. This serves the purpose of allowing businesses to make significant tax deductions while making significant contributions to its retirement fund. 

Final thoughts

Not all businesses and business structures can fit with every business. For the right enterprises, however, it can help manage the commercial properties of a business while growing out its retirement fund. An SMSF can offer options and benefits you otherwise would not have had. 

If you are looking to set up an SMSF for your business along the Sunshine Coast, QLD, you will need the help of an accountant. Send us at SMB Accounting a message so we can help you through this process. 

A self-managed super fund (SMSF) trustee is obliged to designate an SMSF auditor approved by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on or before forty days before filing their SMSF annual return. In a nutshell, an SMSF auditor is a financial expert who works to evaluate if your company’s finances comply with the superannuation law.

Besides that, they also monitor your fund’s financial statements. If you’re thinking of hiring an SMSF auditor, then you must get someone that requires only minimal supervision so that you can focus on reaping the benefits of your trust while they handle your financial records. Aside from that, a major rule about hiring SMSF auditors is that they aren’t allowed by law to audit a fund that they have a financial interest in, nor have an intimate or professional relationship with the SMSF members or trustees involved.

Keep reading below to find out more about hiring an SMSF auditor.

The Importance of Having an SMSF Auditor 

Before you seek the assistance of an SMSF auditor, the person you select must be registered with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission. They should also have an SMSF auditor number which you will have to provide each time you submit your company’s annual return.

An SMSF auditor is knowledgeable at advising those in need regarding current assets in your SMSF and if your fund adheres to the rules and regulations listed down in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act of 1993. Before they establish an audit of your fund, an SMSF auditor will create a Terms of Engagement Letter and submit it to the trustee of the fund.

What is a Terms of Engagement Letter?

The letter involves the duties and obligations of all parties linked to the audit, including the range of the audit. As a result, your existing accountant serves as an SMSF auditor’s primary contact person and will be provided with a separate Terms of Engagement Letter.

With the letter stating each party’s capabilities, it will serve as protection for you, your accountant, and the auditor to prevent any miscommunication from occurring. The Terms of Engagement Letter also stands to secure audit evidence prepared by your auditor in case of unwanted tampering and mishandling. 

SMSF auditors who don’t follow legal standards can be sued and face charges given by the Court. Besides that, the letter can also be considered a contract so that both parties remain accountable in the event of compliance breaches, such as reaching out to other auditors for second opinions. As a result, trustees may be audited by the ATO once they violate the policies stated in the Terms of Engagement Letter.

When is an SMSF Auditor Held Liable?

An SMSF auditor is usually tasked to give an honest and reliable opinion regarding your assets, proving that your fund exists and is being assessed as part of the requirement by the SIS Act. If you also require the guidance of an accounting firm, they will work hand-in-hand so that the auditor can confirm that your superannuation funds are appropriately handled and comply with all given conditions.

In the event that the SMSF auditor you hire does not stick to the given standards and, instead, prefers to take the situation into their own hands, they end up putting themselves at risk to potential lawsuits. Aside from that, they are also causing trouble with your company and your small business accounting service.


If you’re worried about relying on an SMSF auditor, it’s important to remember that they are tied by the law to accomplish their auditing responsibilities as professionally and lawfully as expected. A Terms of Engagement Letter exists to impose the rules and regulations for all parties present. So the secret to having an SMSF auditor is to take a closer look at how the audit is done and that everyone involved should make an effort to achieve their duties accordingly!

Are you looking for auditing and accounting services in Australia to handle your SMSF trust? SMB Accounting offers individual tax returns, small business accounting, SMSF audits, and Xero accounting software to our clients in need. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment!